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January 16, 2018

Anatomy of a 5G Smart City

What makes a smart city once 5G arrives?

“Ever-increasing urban migration and populations are going to put serious strains on cities
that do not adopt technologies to accommodate the influx of people to their streets. New
technologies like Software Defined Networking (SDN) will be key to supporting the massive
scales required to manage growing populations—which threaten to overwhelm existing

Each week, around a million people migrate to cities, in a trend that will continue for the next thirty years – meaning that by 2050, two-thirds of the expected global population of 9bn will live in cities. Many cities are already embracing smart city tech, with the likes of Singapore, London, Barcelona, San Francisco, and Tokyo usually populating the ‘top smart cities’ polls. Bristol’s fiber network, which enables its SDN deployment, has allowed it to become a leading smart city in the UK—overtaking London by many measures.

This report takes an in-depth look at an award winning Smart City approach which is built around the municipality’s own fiber, Software Defined Networks and cloud analytics software – a system which will survive the transition into a 5G world, as it searches for a formula to monetize next-gen citizen services…

For more information contact:

Chloe Spring (Marketing Manager): [email protected]

Office Phone: +44 (0)1179 257019

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