Chinese OEMs have revealed a new wave of funding for perovskite manufacturing, across tandem and single-junction approaches. That’s something which can be said every few months. This time around, we pick out two trends: The trend of ‘tandem factories’ with TOPCon silicon and perovskite production lines in the same overarching facilities, such as with Hiking PV’s announcement of a 250 MW TOPCon and perovskite tandem cell production facility. Another near $1 billion investment into 10 GW of heterojunction silicon cell manufacturing is to include a 2.4 GW first phase, which will be co-located with a 100 MW perovskite tandem line, courtesy of Yiheng Photovoltaic. The trend of single-junction perovskite not only relying on flexible thin-film to occupy niches (for example,…