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What Spectrum Does 5G Use?


What spectrum does 5G use? 5G technology utilizes a range of frequency bands to deliver its improved performance over previous generations of mobile networks. These frequency bands are broadly classified into low-band, mid-band, and high-band (millimeter wave or mmWave). Each band has its unique characteristics and uses, contributing to the overall capabilities of 5G networks. This article delves into the specifics of these frequency bands and how they are employed in 5G technology.

Low-Band 5G Spectrum (Below 1 GHz)

Low-band spectrum, typically below 1 GHz, is primarily used for wide-area coverage and deep indoor penetration. This spectrum has been a cornerstone of mobile communication due to its ability to cover large geographical areas with fewer base stations. It provides foundational coverage, ensuring that 5G services are accessible even in rural and remote areas. For example, the 600 MHz band in the U.S. is utilized for 5G, offering extensive coverage and better building penetration compared to higher frequencies​.

Mid-Band 5G Spectrum (1-6 GHz)

Mid-band spectrum, ranging from 1 GHz to 6 GHz, is considered the “sweet spot” for 5G. It offers a balance between coverage and capacity, making it ideal for urban and suburban deployments. The 3.5 GHz band is one of the most widely used mid-band frequencies for 5G globally. Mid-band spectrum can carry more data than low-band while covering larger areas than high-band, thus providing a good mix of speed and coverage. T-Mobile’s deployment of mid-band spectrum in the 2.5 GHz range significantly boosted their 5G network performance, as evidenced by their increased download speeds​.

High-Band 5G Spectrum (Above 24 GHz)

High-band spectrum, often referred to as millimeter wave (mmWave), operates above 24 GHz and offers the highest capacity and fastest speeds among the three bands. However, its coverage area is limited, and it has poor penetration through buildings and obstacles. mmWave is best suited for dense urban areas and environments where high data rates are essential, such as stadiums, concert halls, and urban hotspots. The use of mmWave spectrum can provide exceptional performance improvements, though its deployment requires a dense network of small cells due to its limited range​.

Dynamic Spectrum Sharing

Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS) is a technology that allows operators to use the same spectrum band for both 4G and 5G. This enables a smoother transition to 5G by allowing the existing 4G infrastructure to support 5G services. DSS dynamically allocates spectrum resources based on real-time demand, thus enhancing the efficiency of spectrum utilization. For instance, carriers like Deutsche Telekom have utilized DSS to introduce 5G services in bands previously assigned to 3G or 4G, optimizing their existing spectrum assets​.

Global Spectrum Allocations

The allocation of 5G spectrum varies significantly across different countries and regions, influenced by regulatory environments and market demands. For example, India has allocated spectrum across eight frequency bands, including 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, 2300 MHz, 2500 MHz, 3300 MHz, and 26 GHz, catering to diverse usage scenarios and operator requirements. Meanwhile, Vietnam has awarded 5G licenses in the 2500-2600 MHz and 3700-3800 MHz bands, indicating a focus on mid-band frequencies for optimal performance and coverage​.

Impact on Network Performance

The choice of spectrum has a direct impact on the performance and capabilities of 5G networks. Mid-band spectrum deployments have been shown to significantly improve network performance and customer satisfaction. According to Ookla, the deployment of additional mid-band spectrum in the U.S. led to notable increases in download speeds and improvements in 5G availability and service metrics across various states and rural communities​. Conversely, a shortage of mid-band spectrum can hinder the growth and effectiveness of 5G networks, as observed in Canada, where limited mid-band allocation has impacted the country’s 5G performance​.


The spectrum used by 5G is diverse, encompassing low, mid, and high bands to deliver a combination of wide coverage, high capacity, and ultra-fast speeds. Each frequency band plays a crucial role in the overall performance and deployment strategy of 5G networks. As 5G technology continues to evolve, the efficient utilization and management of these spectrum resources will be essential to achieving the full potential of next-generation mobile communications.

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