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February 19, 2024

Global Electricity Grid: Strategies for Overcoming an Imminent Bottleneck

Between permitting, supply chain complications, and generally playing catch-up, no nation in the world will have an easy time of upgrading and expanding its national grid.

This new report from Rethink Energy offers valuable insights into addressing these challenges.

Featuring practical strategies to enhance grid reliability and integrate renewable energy sources, this report is essential reading for anyone involved in energy policy-making, infrastructure planning, energy supply, economic development, and environmental sustainability.

So, whether you are drafting energy policies or planning infrastructure investments, this report will equip you with the knowledge you need to address pressing energy challenges, and to seize opportunities for sustainable development.

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Rethink Energy Research

Rethink Energy forecasts the changing energy landscape and its investment possibilities, as renewables begin to take over from conventional fossil fuels