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Rethink Energy hosts a series of webinars to bring our analysts closer to our customers. 

If you would like to take part in a guest panel event, please email [email protected]

Existing Webinars

Available 1 July 2024

Just how far, and how fast, will Virtual Power Plants spread?

Monday July 1st, 2024, 2pm PDT

On-demand recording will be available for anyone that can’t make it to the live event

Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) have begun a period of rapid expansion. Rethink Energy is joined by Uplight, Evergen, and Novatech Automation Systems to answer the question – just how far, and how fast, will Virtual Power Plants spread?

We’ve recently seen VPP schemes set in motion which by 2025 are to cover several percentage points of total peak load in markets as large as Germany and the metropolis of Shenzhen – with VPPs crossing the line from hundreds of MW each, to the multi-gigawatt scale. That is just the beginning as electrification, distributed energy resources and battery adoption all enter high gear.

Once intermittent solar and wind form a majority of the power mix, the grid’s ability to operate reliably will rely on battery energy storage. Those batteries will be governed by VPPs, making their financial and digital structures the most crucial element on the decarbonized grid of the future – with VPPs both providing strategic grid security and reaping the benefits of ever more variable power prices.

The fundamental purpose of a VPP is to decide when to discharge its batteries – as well as when to invoke demand response. This decision-making process relies on forecasts of demand and supply which are both becoming more complex and unpredictable as electrification and Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) progress. The more diverse the generation, battery, and demand response assets a VPP has, the better. With that in mind, and given that VPP adoption requires little to no physical infrastructure – we’re left asking what the real limiting factor is to this industry.

You can find our VPP Forecast here

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Available 22 February 2024

Perovskites - Imminent Commercialization?

LIVE Webinar  |  Thursday February 22nd, 2024 at 3pm GMT

Panel Discussion, and Audience Q&A

– Andries Wantenaar, Solar Analyst, Rethink Energy

– Scott Graybeal, CEO, Caelux

– Tom Fontaine, Director, Halocell

– Scott Wharton, CEO, Tandem PV

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Available 15 February 2024

Battery Raw Materials; A discussion on supply chain trends and prices to 2030, with audience Q&A

Thursday February 15th, 2024 at 4pm GMT

Analyst discussion and audience Q&A, presented by:

Connor Watts, Rethink Energy’s Battery Analyst

Bogdan Avramuta, Rethink Energy Editor & Research Director

This webinar is an introduction to Rethink Energy’s Battery Raw Materials Forecast

Join Rethink Energy for an overview of our latest report, analyzing battery raw material supply chain trends and prices, up to 2030.

We will look at how current raw material prices will affect future supply, and whether or not this can meet demand. We will also consider battery cell prices, and how prices will continue to fall amidst rising demand.

Low prices pose a risk to the future supply landscape, however, we will demonstrate that by keeping supply chains simple – through strategic choices in battery chemistry – you can charge more for your products even during times of relative oversupply, and ensure profitability.

Audience questions are encouraged during the session. If you would like to submit your questions ahead of the event, or to arrange a private discussion, please contact us.

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Available 30 November 2023

Green H2 transportation to revolutionize trade

LIVE Webinar, Thursday November 30th, 2023 at 4pm GMT

Analyst presentation and Audience Q&A

Presented by:

Bogdan Avramuta, Rethink Energy Editor & Research Director

Connor Watts, Rethink Energy Analyst

This webinar is an introduction to Rethink Energy’s Green H2 Transportation report

Rethink Energy predicts that 578 MMTA (million metric tons per annum) of hydrogen will be used around the world in 2050, a value that will gradually grow from around 113 MMTA in 2024. A combination of transportation methods will be used to transport and distribute this hydrogen and its derivatives, depending not only on the distance over which the fuels are transported but also what the end use will be.

This webinar will look at the benefits and disadvantages of different shipping methods for carriers such as ammonia (NH3), liquid hydrogen (LH2), and liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs) like methylcyclohexane (MCH), as well as tackling the most popular land-based methods of distribution like pipelines and trucks.

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Available 26 October 2023

How the global battery industry will adapt to the exploding requirements of the automotive and energy storage sectors

LIVE Webinar, Thursday October 26th, 2023 at 4pm BST

Analyst presentation and Audience Q&A

Presented by:

Connor Watts, Rethink Energy’s Battery Analyst

Bogdan Avramuta, Rethink Energy’s Editor and Head of Research

This webinar is an introduction to Rethink Energy’s Global Battery Market Forecast 2023-2040

The global battery industry is set to grow from 550 GWh in 2022 to 7,782 GWh in 2040, largely off the back of the passenger electric vehicle market’s rapid electrification in Europe, China, and the US. Battery companies and automotive OEMs will need to adapt to this challenge through the adoption of the appropriate technology for their industries, having to make strategic choices which will affect their product pipelines for years to come.

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Available 21 September 2023

Perovskite kicks into unrelenting growth in 2026 for 20 years

LIVE Webinar, Thursday September 21st, 2023 at 2pm BST

Analyst presentation and Audience Q&A

Presented by Rethink Energy’s Solar Analyst, Andries Wantenaar

This webinar is an introduction to Rethink Energy’s Global Perovskites Forecast 2023-2040

Perovskites in photo voltaic systems shows how every indicator – manufacturing activity, equipment supply and successful pilots – points to significant ramp in installed Perovskite systems from 2026 onwards, taking over the industry inside another decade.

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    Perovskites webinar

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Available 20 July 2023

Geothermal Forecast to 2050

Thursday July 20th, 4pm BST

This live webinar provides an introduction to the latest report from Rethink Energy, ‘Geothermal Forecast to 2050’.

If you’re in strategic planning for an oil company, investor, government policy, or an oil services company, you must take into account the speed at which drilling will shift from oil discovery to geothermal services.  This new report from Rethink Energy puts planning parameters on that, and shows that the timing is a lot closer than most people in this community currently believe.

The on-demand recording will be available afterwards, for anyone who cannot attend the live event.  Register to be notified.

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Available 22 June 2023

Rethink Energy Question Time: “What is the best way to transport Hydrogen in the new hydrogen economy?”

Thursday June 22nd, 4pm BST

We’d like to invite you to attend our next Rethink Energy Question Time entitled “What is the best way to transport Hydrogen in the new hydrogen economy?” where experts and guests will answer questions on what they believe are the best ways of planning the transport of hydrogen around the world. The price of admission is to simply provide us with a serious question.

When you register for the show you will be sent an email asking you to contribute a question. It must be on the subject of storing or transporting hydrogen and it can come from a news item you have read in the past few issues of Rethink Energy or be based on a concern that constantly slows your company’s business planning.

Expert panel:  

Matthew Kay | Principal Research Engineer, National Composites Centre

Gary Hornby | Deputy Editor – Hydrogen, ICIS

Robert Seehawer | Managing Director, AquaVentus

Bogdan Avramuta | Senior Hydrogen Analyst & Editor of Rethink Energy, Rethink Research

Peter White | CEO & Principal Analyst of Rethink Energy, Rethink Research (MODERATOR)

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Available 1 June 2023

Rethink Energy | Global Hydrogen Market

In this LIVE 30-minute webinar – on Thursday June 1st at 4pm BST – Rethink Research’s CEO and Co-Founder, Peter White, and Hydrogen Analyst, Bogdan Avramuta, will guide you through the findings of our latest report on the Global Hydrogen Market.

Audience questions are encouraged during the session.  If you’d like to submit your questions ahead of the event, or to arrange a private discussion, please contact us.

The associated Rethink Energy forecast can be found here.

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Available 9 May 2023

Rethink Energy | Distributed Energy Resources and the Global Solar Market

In this LIVE webinar – on Tuesday May 9th at 12pm GMT – Rethink Research’s CEO and Co-Founder, Peter White, and Solar Analyst, Andries Wantenaar, will guide you through the findings of our latest report on Distributed Energy Resources and the Global Solar Market.

Audience questions are encouraged during the session.  If you’d like to submit your questions ahead of the event, or to arrange a private discussion, please contact us.

The associated Rethink Energy forecast can be found here.

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Available 23 March 2023

Energy Question Time - The Inflation Reduction Act

The third Rethink Energy Question Time was called “Will the Inflation Reduction save the planet or lead to a global trade war?”

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    Rethink Energy | Peter White Editor & Senior Analyst


    Rethink Energy | Connor Watts, Market Analyst
    Rethink Energy | Andries Wantenaar, Market Analyst
    Scott Graybeal | Caelux, CEO
    Todd Malan | Talon Metals Corp, Head of Climate Strategy
    Varyk Kutnick | DIVYDE Capital, Partner and Portfolio Manager

    Thursday March 23rd, 2023 | 15:00 GMT / 10 AM EDT

    our third Rethink Energy Question Time entitled “Will the Inflation Reduction save the planet or lead to a global trade war?” where experts and guests will answer questions about the global effects of the IRA legislation in the US. The price of admission is to simply provide us with a serious question.

    The virtual event will take serious questions on any aspect of the IRA either that you have heard in news feeds or any concerns which keep you up at night about whether or not it applies to you.

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Available 16 March 2023

Annual Primary Electricity 3.0: Russian war wakes sleeping renewables giants of post 2030 power

Rethink’s new 30 year forecast is called Annual Primary Electricity 3.0: Russian war wakes sleeping renewables giants of post 2030 power .

It’s one year on from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It’s also a few months since the US Inflation Reduction Act was passed. How have these events affected the short-term energy market? This webinar, hosted by Rethink Energy analysts Peter White and Bogdan Avramuta, strives to explain all this and more. It’s illustrated with slides exploring the shape of sub-markets like solar, wind, hydrogen and energy storage across 30 countries that are the world’s biggest electricity consumers.


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    Analysts Peter White and Bogdan Avramuta went behind the figures Rethink Energy’s 30 year forecast called ‘Annual Primary Electricity’ (APE) It’s the third iteration of the report and the webinar illustrated how Rethink sees the energy transition affecting businesses and and economies across the globe.

    If your business will be affected by the global energy transition this represents an opportunity to see a forward thinking view of how everything is likely to unfold in the energy industry.

    From hydrogen production and export to steel manufacturing, electricity generation and national strategies, the APE employs a wholistic approach to the global electricity market and takes into account the potential for nuclear energy, a realistic scale-up of renewables sources like wind and solar and how fast economies can decouple their GDP from burning fossil fuels.

    On top of this, events and policies like the energy crisis of 2022 and the Inflation Reduction Act have a huge inertial effect on the global landscape and account for the bulk of changes from our second iteration which came out before the Russian war.

    The oil and gas exploration and production market has been valued at about $4.6 trillion, and the report shows that all of it is going to go away a lot sooner than companies like BP, Exxon Mobil and Chevron are suggesting. They won’t simply vanish, but rather be replaced, and expanded upon by countries which make best early access to their renewables markets and move on to export huge amounts of energy via cable, pipeline or hydrogen ships.

    Rethink Research | Peter White, CEO / Senior Energy Analyst
    Rethink Research | Bogdan Avramuta, Market Analyst
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Available 9 February 2023

Energy Question Time - Hydrogen Special

Energy Question Time – the HYDROGEN edition!
Our second Rethink Energy Question Time was entitled “When will hydrogen become a key energy marketplace component and why”.

Guests, members of the audience and a panel of experts tackled the serious questions about hydrogen that are keeping people up at night.

The panel was

Rethink Energy | Bogdan Avramuta, Hydrogen Analyst
Harry Morgan | 7percent Ventures, Investment Associate
Katherine Rinaldi | H2U Technologies, Director of Government Affairs
Mike Hopkins | Bakken Energy, CEO

Rethink Research | Peter White, CEO / Senior Energy Analyst

Held on February 9th, 2023

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    There are plenty of things that keep energy people awake at night and they usually relate to supply chains – changes are happening to supply lines with alarming regularity these days. You might focus, as we do at Rethink Energy on the falling cost of electrolyzers, as the technology starts to move very fast, and the falling price of renewable energy, which also drives the price of hydrogen down. The $3 per kilogram subsidy that the US Inflation Reduction Act has place on hydrogen means that overnight, in some parts of the world it is way cheaper than natural gas.

    Hydrogen is being hailed as the energy of the future, with the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy security. In this webinar, our panel of experts will discuss the latest developments in hydrogen technology, the challenges facing the industry, and the potential benefits for customers like you.

    It’s never enough to know the price of something today. It is always important to have a price for it in the near to medium term future. Prices are the lifeblood of deal-making in energy.

    You might want to ask about the cost of liquefaction for hydrogen, how it can be transported most cheaply, over varying distances and whether or not it can be used in air, sea, truck and train transport.

    Do you need to know the answer to questions like:
    What will it cost to carry hydrogen across the sea?
    When will Green hydrogen be cheaper than Blue?
    How low does the price of hydrogen need to go to make electricity with it
    Does hydrogen have an advantage over batteries when it comes to trucks
    Can it be used in long duration storage and has anyone tried it?

    Those are just some of the questions that Rethink Energy analysts have an reply for – and we will also invite several external experts to each event – so bring us the questions which will make a difference to your life and work.

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Available 24 November 2022

Energy Question Time

The Rethink Energy analysts, Peter White, Bogdan Avramuta, Andries Wantenaar and Connor Watts were joined by energy experts Kingsmill Bond (RMI), Ronan Kilduff (Elgin Energy) and Harry Morgan (7percent Ventures).

They answered questions set by an audience of energy professonals.

0:00 Introductions

4:35 How low can solar PV energy production (excluding transmission & storage) go per kWh in the most productive locations on the planet in 5 years time?

13:10 What is the current price of green hydrogen production in the UK (and globally) and what are the projections for the next decade?

22:10 Will the necessary and updated EU RES targets (REPowerEU) actually get built by 2030 given the current permitting delays and supply chain constraints?

34:10 What targets are there for energy storage in the EU and the UK?

44:00 What targets are there for energy storage in the EU AND UK Would green ammonia finally prove to be the best way to store and transport green hydrogen?

48:50 Why does the panel think the UK government is so insistent on ambitious nuclear targets?

53:30 China dominates the production of cleanenergy technologies (solar, wind, batteries), where will US/Europe outcompete going forward?

61:30 What role can small-scale 1 MW DER play in creating a renewable energy future?

Rethink Energy will introduce a series of themed Question Time events in the New Year.

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Available 21 October 2022

SAF is a fantasy, and not the TRUE route for decarbonization

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Available 12 October 2022

Global EV markets rally despite weak overall car sales

While the overall car market may seem a little deflated, EVs have been the standout performer as more individuals realize that they are the future, and it’s better to get one now than continue suffering from high fuel prices.

In this report we are going to update our previous forecast to account for relevant events that have transpired over the last year and how this has changed our EV market outlook going forwards to the end of the decade.

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Available 28 September 2022

PV installs explode despite hurdles – jump 87 GW, more to come

The latest count of global solar installations from Rethink Energy, and how it is distributed globally.  How did the world manage to install so much solar, with so many hurdles placed in front of development?

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Available 3 August 2022

BESS to see mass adoption of alternative batteries alongside li-ion; Energy Storage Forecast to 2050

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Available 23 December 2021

‘Energy Transition: Multi-$trillion Ponzi scheme or the biggest tech market ever

This video is the property of the Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment of the University of Bath – where our CEO Peter White addressed an audience of academics and business leaders on the subject of the energy transition and its sudden acceleration and the consequences (see a PDF copy of the slides here). The data comes from our Annual Primary Electricity forecast, and especially our EV report which is part of that dataset, which is also found in Research and Data under the title “Tesla versus ExxonMobil – who’s right?” – Rethink Energy’s definitive 30 year forecast on EVs and eMobility, which can be purchased for $3,800 from this site.

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    This breakthrough piece of market research brings forward the time when oil companies are unable to sell all the oil they produce, driving down prices and bringing financial ruin to the oil markets – that time begins being felt in 2027 and is complete by 2031, with the investment community getting totally out of the sector well before then, or risking ruin.

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Available 19 October 2021

Why are clean energy forecasts always completely wrong?

Join us for a webinar with Matt Ives and Moritz Riede, where they explain how they reached the conclusion that renewables are going to be SO MUCH BIGGER THAN EVERYONE REALIZES

A paper came across our desk last week entitled “Empirically grounded technology forecasts and the energy transition,” and immediately Rethink Energy had a case of Déjà Vu.

It reminded us of our first energy forecast – we looked at it and decided we could not possibly publish it, because it was twice the size of those of our rivals – we were tempted to tone it down a little bit (we didn’t).

But “Empirically grounded…” is from people who are not experts in energy markets but complex systems modellers and mathematicians. In this presentation, Matthew Ives, Senior Researcher in Complex Systems & Economic Modelling, Oxford Martin School & Moritz Riede, Professor of Soft Functional Nanomaterials at the University of Oxford, UK explain the workings behind the new paper.

With questions put by Peter White, Senior Analyst, Rethink Energy, this absorbing and fast-paced webinar shows a scenario of projected energy production costs taking in climate change mitigation models, Moore’s Law, Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE), Wright’s Law and plunging PV manufacturing prices, among others.

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    The first time we ever did an energy forecast we looked at it and decided we could not possibly publish it, because it was twice the size of those of our rivals – we were tempted to tone it down a little bit. Here was a series of forecasts that were not toned down – from people who are not experts in energy markets but complex systems modellers and mathematicians.

    So we just HAD to invite them to come and tell us about it at one of the Rethink Energy Webinars. Yes this is why forecasters get energy so wrong, and it points to a better future for forecasters.

    Come and listen to Matt Ives and Moritz Riede, explaining how they reached the conclusion that renewables are going to be SO MUCH BIGGER THAN EVERYONE REALIZES.

    Hear answers to these questions:

    • Why do most forecasters of energy get it completely wrong and how can we fix this?
    • Why are the costs of these new technologies always over-estimates?
    • How can you use probabilistic forecasting to change this approach?
    • If future energy system costs are going to go down, does that mean cheaper energy?
    • What does this mean for solar, wind, batteries, and hydrogen electrolyzers?
    • What advances are we likely to see in the next decade in solar?
    • Are their material bottlenecks that could slow down this transition (Cobalt for batteries)?
    • And why are we stuck right now with ballooning natural gas costs?

    Mathew Ives is a Senior Researcher in Complex Systems Economic Modelling at the Oxford Martin school and Professor Moritz Riede is a Professor of Soft Functional Nanomaterials

    Format: Presentation followed by questions from Rethink founder Peter White then audience questions

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