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The Rethink Energy Podcast complements the Rethink Energy weekly strategy bulletin, as we dive deeper into the dynamic factors of the energy market. We discuss the week’s key issues, while providing insight into our own research and forecasts to give clearer direction of where momentum is building through the energy transition.

Guests welcome for future episodes. Write to [email protected] for details.

Hosted by Andries Wantenaar

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6 October 2022

Rethink Energy Podcast 107: RWE Buys ConEd for $6.8bn, Meyer Burger and the European PV Market, and Offshore Energy Islands in the North Sea

In this week’s episode the team discusses the $6.8bn ConEd purchase by RWE, PV company Meyer Burger in the context of the European market, and the implications of energy islands in the North Sea.

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29 September 2022

Rethink Energy Podcast 106: Year on Year Solar Installations, Car Rental Firms Turn to EV Charging Stations and Hydrogen Diesel Cost Parity

In this week’s episode we discuss the year on year solar installation numbers, how car rental firms are starting to think about the EV charging infrastructure and why hydrogen might have just achieved cost parity with diesel in the medium- and heavy-duty transportation markets.

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22 September 2022

Rethink Energy Podcast 105: Record 5GW Green Ammonia Deal, US EV Charging Infrastructure and Lithium Price

In this episode the Rethink Energy team discusses the record breaking green ammonia deal, American EV charging points and the price of lithium.

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15 September 2022

Rethink Energy Podcast 104: Hydrogen Transportation, Flow Batteries and the African Energy Market

In Rethink Energy’s latest podcast we discuss hydrogen transportation, potentially disruptive flow battery technologies and the future African energy market.

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8 September 2022

Rethink Energy Podcast 103: Decentralized Hydrogen Production, CdTe modules, Battery Materials

In this episode we discuss the importance of decentralized hydrogen production, Cadmium Telluride modules and the effect of the Inflation Reduction Act on battery materials.

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25 August 2022

Rethink Energy Podcast 102: Natural Gas Market Forecast

In this week’s episode we discuss our predictions of the natural gas market, Chinese power cuts and the European electric vehicle market.

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18 August 2022

Rethink Energy Podcast 101: Electrolyzer Gigafactories and the Hydrogen Demand

In this week’s episode we discuss the demand for green hydrogen, planed electrolyzer gigafactories and gas companies that are looking to extend the life of natural gas by investing in blue hydrogen. We also touch on the state of the energy market in India.

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12 August 2022

Rethink Energy Podcast 100: Polysilicon Production, Electrolysis Efficiency and Sustainable Aviation Fuels

In this episode we discuss polysilicon, various electrolyzer developers and what novelties they claim to bring to the table and lastly we talk about the future of aviation and sustainable aviation fuels, including solar fuels.

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5 August 2022

Rethink Energy 99: Big oil bolsters shareholder pockets, blind to 2024 downturn

In this episode we discuss about the second quarter results of “Big Oil” players like ExxonMobil and BP, hydrogen transportation and alternatives to lithium ion batteries.

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29 July 2022

Rethink Energy 98: Ford adopts CATL's new battery design, utility-scale solar dented

Corporate solar funding has declined sharply in Q2 due to high module prices even as China’s module exports surge; Ford has sidelined its own South Korean partners by adopting CATL’s latest battery technology; and the UK government persists with supporting blue hydrogen and nuclear.

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