RAN Research
RAN Research forecasts disruption in wireless technology, and is essential reading for anyone who wants to stay on top of current trends and thinking among Mobile Network Operators.
The connected cars market has had a few technological missteps, over the years. But the real challenge has been the rate of churn.
Although it will take time for native connectivity options to be appreciated by the consumer, MNOs the world over will look to leverage this installed base of connections, in order to combat their financial burdens. Stagnant consumer ARPUs could be significantly improved with the addition of a car to the subscriber’s plan, and MNOs will focus on this revenue opportunity.
This report includes connectivity technology roadmaps, XLS projections for numbers of connections and revenue, as well as background and technical discussions. You’re invited to download the Executive Summary for more details about this report (link below).
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RAN Research forecasts disruption in wireless technology, and is essential reading for anyone who wants to stay on top of current trends and thinking among Mobile Network Operators.