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Wireless Watch and RAN Research run a series of webinars to foster greater knowledge and discussion in the wireless industry.

If you are interested in joining one of our panel discussion webinars, please contact [email protected]

Our expert analysts are also available for speaking opportunities at your own webinars and events.

Existing Webinars

Available 12 June 2024

A rough year for Open RAN - what has changed behind the scenes?

Wednesday June 12th, 2024 | LIVE Panel discussion, audience Q&A


Open RAN has seemingly struggled with operator uptake, with many vendors seeing significant dents in their share price on the back of this problem. Is this simply a bump in the road? Could Open RAN really be hijacked by the big incumbent vendors? Just how much more work needs to be done to make it properly interoperable?

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Available 8 May 2024

Private 5G Networks - Hype or Reality?

Wednesday May 8th, 2024 | LIVE Panel discussion, audience Q&A


  • Webinar Details
    • Peter Cappiello – CEO – Future Technologies
    • Assen Golaup – Senior Manager, Mobile Access Strategy – Liberty Global
    • Vijay Venkateswaran – CEO and Strategic Growth Advisor – Viventum Inc.
    • MODERATOR: Alex Davies – Senior Analyst – Rethink Research

    Just how badly MNOs have missed the boat on serving complex enterprise needs remains to be seen, but the apparent enthusiasm for a completely private network demonstrates that plenty of money is on the table. Would a better MNO network in the first place have nipped this problem in the bud? Are large corporate customers simply too bespoke to address with a common service offering? Is this simply a flash in the pan?

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Available 30 April 2024

Cellular IoT Contentions - 5G RedCap vs Cat-NB and Cat-M

Tuesday April 30th, 2024 | LIVE Panel discussion, audience Q&A


  • Webinar Details
    • Niall Strachan – Chief Commercial Officer – Pelion
    • Igor Tovberg – Director, Product Marketing – Sony Semiconductor Israel
    • Marco Stracuzzi – VP Product Marketing – Telit Cinterion
    • Sabrina Bochen – Director, Product Planning & Marketing – u-blox
    • MODERATOR: Alex Davies – Senior Analyst – Rethink Research

    With the 4G-based low-power IoT-based protocols still slowly gaining ground, the looming arrival of the 5G-native RedCap mode threatens to derail roadmaps, adding another layer of customer confusion, with regard to expected deployment support. As we are around 5 years into the 5G cycle, the threat of sunsetting 4G is becoming a point of contention – and those with 2G and 3G devices are already feeling the pain of operators turning off support for those devices – and this is to say nothing of the unlicensed LPWAN world.

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Available 9 April 2024

5G Redcap

In this LIVE webinar – on Tuesday April 9th at 4pm BST – Rethink Research’s senior analyst, Alex Davies and research fellow, Phil Hunter, will introduce you to the findings of our latest report, 5G RedCap Market Forecast, with opportunity for audience questions.

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    “5G RedCap is poised to become the dominant technology brand for cellular IoT but not until commercial devices are widely available from 2026 onwards. This growth will be at the expense of 2G as that approaches its sunset in various markets, and the various 4G IoT protocols will still account for the majority of connections for the next few years.

    5G RedCap’s two variants, standard RedCap and extended RedCap (eRedCap) are projected to account for almost one third of cellular IoT connections by 2030, at 30.17%. Even then the 4G variants will still dominate the field between them.”

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Available 16 August 2023

Open RAN Equipment

Open RAN deployments will ramp up to $19.2 billion as interoperability standards and testing mature

In this LIVE webinar – on Wednesday August 16th, 2023 at 4pm BST – Rethink Research’s senior analyst, Alex Davies and research fellow, Phil Hunter, will introduce you to the findings of our latest report, Open RAN Equipment Market Forecast 2023-2030.

We will discuss the various Open RAN interface combinations, as well as costs, which are forecast to increase from $2.5 billion in 2022 to $19.2 billion in 2030.

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Available 20 June 2023

Why hasn't Open RAN revolutionized the Radio Access Network?

AMD  |  Mavenir  |  Red Hat

LIVE Webinar, Tuesday June 20th, 2023 at 4pm BST

Panel Discussion, Audience Q&A

Moderated by:  Alex Davies, Senior Analyst, Rethink Research

With years of hype, it seems that O-RAN has missed the mark, based on public wins. Have its open-source efforts been derailed by the power of vendor lock-in? Have fingers been burnt and promises broken? Is this a classic industry story, of delays but tangible improvements? This webinar aims to pull back the curtain, to discern the current state of the market and the art, and to determine the immediate roadmap for the technology.

Listen in and quiz our panel of experts:

Gilles Garcia, Snr Director, Business Lead Wired & Wireless Group, AMD

John Baker, SVP Ecosystem Business Development, Mavenir

Timo Jokiaho, Chief Technologist – Telecom, Media & Entertainment EMEA, Red Hat

The on-demand recording will be available immediately afterwards, for anyone who cannot make the live event.  Simply complete the registration process to be notified.

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Available 7 June 2023

Fixed Wireless Access

In this LIVE webinar – on Wednesday June 7th, 2023 at 4pm BST – Rethink Research’s senior analysts, Alex Davies and Phil Hunter, will guide you through the findings of our latest report, “Fixed Wireless Access – Market Forecast to 2030”.

When will Fixed Wireless Access begin to improve profit margins for Mobile Network Operators globally, and limit growth in fixed-line broadband?

FWA will be a major source of new revenue for operators globally over the next 7 years.  APAC will drive substantial FWA subscriber growth while Europe remains the leading region for revenue generation, with significant developments in Africa and Latin America in vast rural areas unserved by fixed broadband.  In principle, FWA offers guaranteed levels of performance, but there are still technical challenges to be resolved.

The on-demand recording will be available immediately afterwards, for anyone who cannot make the live event.  Simply complete the registration process to be notified.

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Available 2 May 2023

Investigating the Energy Use of Video and Mobile Networks

In this LIVE webinar – on Tuesday May 2nd at 4pm GMT – Rethink Research’s senior analyst, Alex Davies, will guide you through the findings of our latest report, “Investigating the Energy Use of Video and Mobile Networks”.

Sustainability is becoming an unavoidable consideration for companies in the wireless industry, regardless of their size or status.  Those at the heart of network infrastructure – hardware OEMs and MNOs – have had economic incentives to keep their spend on energy consumption in internal networks at a minimum, but many other stakeholders have been able to offload that responsibility elsewhere. Pressures from regulators, and consumers demanding more sustainable approaches, are making stakeholders of all shapes and sizes prove their commitment to the cause.

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Available 15 December 2020

Open RAN adoption patterns and forecast

Open RAN adoption patterns webinar

– A twenty minute overview of our forecast.
– An extended Q&A session

Non-subscribers may request access from Roz Hilton [email protected]

  • Webinar Details

    There is considerable momentum behind open, disaggregated RAN architectures in 2020. Operators are looking for more cost-effective and agile networks, and access to broader ecosystems and innovation bases to facilitate their move to virtualized platforms. But there is also a significant dose of hype, and some operators are calling for a reality check in terms of how soon the emerging open platforms (and suppliers) will be ready for the extraordinary demands of a full-scale 5G macro network with a heavy traffic load coupled with very low latency and very high quality of service requirements.

    This webinar which is invite only covers the findings of our latest report which sets out a best and worst case forecast for deployments of open RAN in the period to 2026, and analyzes the factors that will influence the speed with which mainstream adoption takes place in various operator groups, regions and business models.

    The Webinar will consist of the following:

    – A twenty minute overview of our forecast.
    – A Q&A session

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Available 25 August 2020

Small Cells Drive Microwave Backhaul Boom

This webinar will be held on Wednesday, September 9th, 2020 at 3.30 PM and is approximately 40 minutes long.

Non-subscribers may request access from Roz Hilton [email protected]

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    The webinar will give an overview of our latest forecast and provide an opportunity for Q&A.

    Backhaul will be even more critical for MNO competitiveness and ability to meet rising customer expectations in the 5G era than it has been under 4G. With rapid expansion in spectrum, support for a greater diversity in use cases and extra layers of complexity all driving growth in capacity of backhaul links and changes in architectures, as radio functions separate from baseband signal processing enabling both to scale independently.

    The drive for higher bit rates and capacity will accelerate growth of small cells that cut the distance between radio units and User Equipment (UE) and that will be the main driver of backhaul links over the next six years. This with the drive for higher bit rates and capacity will accelerate growth of small cells that cut the distance between radio units and UE which will be the main driver of backhaul links over the next six years is reflected in the latest RAN Research forecast and analysis of global backhaul trends until 2026 covering a major period of transition from 4G to 5G in most regions.

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Available 4 June 2020

Private networks and shared spectrum - making the 5G enterprise a reality

This webinar was held on Thursday, May 28th, 2020 at 3.00 PM and is approximately 40 minutes long.

Non-subscribers may request access from Roz Hilton [email protected]

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    This webinar will give an overview of our latest forecast.

    While most enterprises and industries have aspirations to use cellular connectivity to support programmes to make processes more digital and efficient, too few can access networks which are fully reliable, let alone optimized for particular requirements such as low latency. Fewer than half of enterprises say that mobile quality of service is adequate, and only about XX% would trust cellular networks with critical communications.

    This report argues that four trends, if well supported by regulators, operators and the broader ecosystem, can deliver high quality mobile connectivity – 4G and later 5G – to all kinds of industries and public sector organizations, in a way that is affordable both for the enterprises and the service providers. Those four enablers are:

    • Spectrum and other support for greater diversity of operators to complement MNO activities, since MNOs often find specialized enterprise requirements are at odds with their business model. Alternative providers include private network operators, neutral hosts and enterprise integrators.

    • Shared spectrum, a key factor in enabling new service providers and lowering barriers to entry.

    • Self-contained RAN and core technologies, often virtualized, are emerging, allowing enterprises and their partners to have full control of cellular connectivity, including aspects such as access control. New open architectures will further reduce costs and lower barriers to new providers.

    • Co-investment across ecosystem will be essential, with the costs and rewards split between enterprises, operators and other partners.

    This report tracks and forecasts the development of these trends so far.

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Available 9 April 2020

5G RAN and core migration strategies

This webinar was held on Thursday, April 9th, 2020 at 3.00 PM and is approximately 30 minutes long.

Non-subscribers may request access from Roz Hilton [email protected] 

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    The array of deployment options for 5G is bewildering, and an operator’s timing to adopt new technologies will have a profound effect on its commercial outcome.

    This webinar answers the question, “Is it better to be a Tortoise or a Hare when it comes to diving into these key 5G choices?”

    Should a Mobile Network Operator install the most advanced 5G features as soon as they become available, or wait until platforms are more stable and mature? What is the optimal timing to adopt the 5G core, and move to full cloud operation?

    Rethink Technology Research has surveyed 86 service providers about their deployment strategies, covering a combination of converged telcos; mobile-first operators; and alternative deployers with greenfield mobile businesses and no legacy networks. In each case they have discussed their plans and priorities, and their key business drivers.

    The resulting forecast is part of Rethink’s RAN Research service and this webinar gives headline conclusions and some insight into their thinking.

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Available 12 February 2020

RAN investment growth will rely on alternative deployers

This webinar was held on Wednesday, February 12th, 2020 at 3.00 PM and is approximately 30 minutes long.

Non-subscribers may request access from Roz Hilton [email protected]

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    This webinar is an illustration of the content of a forecast in our RAN Research series from our head of research Caroline Gabriel. Between now and 2025, Mobile Network Operators will spend $51.8bn in building new networks, and 43% of that will be invested by alternative operators.

    This will happen because the need for connectivity for applications such as autonomous fleets or deliveries, manufacturing and others, has already driven a surge in private LTE networks, which will be deployed and run by a variety of organizations, from integrators to specialist private operators, enterprises to MNOs themselves.

    This report forecasts spend across all equipment types, not just Macro spending, but also all forms of Micro base stations, and new Mini-Macro formats. Cumulatively through the period, new and alternative operators will deploy 978,000 macro and micro base stations, and will finally kickstart widespread adoption of small cells.

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