Prices are down slightly almost across the board for solar energy equipment, precious metals, and raw materials, while oil and gas are up. While spodumene is up slightly, the lithium carbonate price increase has halted. The solar module has fallen to a new record low, as anything sold today will be delivered too late ahead of China’s remaining end-of-year deadlines. Entity 20-Nov 27-Nov Unit % Green H2 Germany 8.081 8.506 €/kg 5.27% Green H2 California 4.080 4.320 $/kg 5.88% Green H2 Netherlands 7.230 7.310 €/kg 1.11% Spodumene Concentrate 803.0 816.0 $/ton 1.62% Lithium Carbonate 10,893.4 10,814.2 $/ton -0.73% Nickel Sulphate 3,651.8 3,628.1 $/ton -0.65% Cobalt Sulphate 3,741.4…