Battery raw materials have increased slightly this week, palladium is back up to its early December value, and oil and gas have mostly recovered downwards from the price hike induced by the recent anti-Russian sanctions. Entity 16-Jan 23-Jan Unit % Spodumene Concentrate 831.0 843.0 $/ton 1.44% Lithium Carbonate 10,521.8 10,679.7 $/ton 1.50% Nickel Sulphate 3,619.7 3,661.8 $/ton 1.16% Cobalt Sulphate 3,625.2 3,653.6 $/ton 0.78% Manganese Sulphate 818.2 823.3 $/ton 0.62% Copper 9,053.2 9,105.5 $/ton 0.58% Aluminum 2,629.1 2,625.4 $/ton -0.14% Iron 100.2 101.4 $/ton 1.20% Platinum 945.0 952.0 $/troy oz 0.74% Iridium 4,388.9 4,397.3 $/troy oz 0.19% Palladium 961.0 998.0 $/troy oz 3.85% Solar Module G12 0.091 0.092 $/W 0.81% Polysilicon 4.938 4.978 $/kg 0.81% Wafer (G12) 0.222 0.224 $/item…