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11542 search results for Open RAN

Wireless Watch
21st September 2021

5G propels untethered robotics

The promise that 5G allied with AI, and especially machine learning, would transform robotics has inevitably led to some disillusionment, but there are nonetheless examples of significant progress. It is more realistic to regard 5G as accelerating progress towards mobile, autonomous and reconfigurable robots, in a journey that certainly began with LTE and has a long way to go. The benefits of faster, higher capacity, more robust and lower latency wireless communications opened the door to mobile high-performance robots able to benefit from levels of computation that would not be possible onboard. This embraces mobile ground-based and airborne robots, overlapping with drones, able to perform feats of navigation, manipulation and control beyond the current generation. It also means that cables…

Rethink Energy
16th September 2021

The world of renewables this week

The US and the EU have agreed to jointly commit to a 30% reduction in methane pollution over the next decade as part of talks ahead of the COP26 summit in November. On Friday, President Joe Biden will convene a meeting of the Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate, where he will hope to press other countries – including China – to join the movement. The global pipeline for floating wind projects has reached 54 GW, according to the latest research from RenewableUK. Including projects that are in early stages of development, over half of the capacity is in Europe (31 GW), led by the UK (9 GW), Ireland (8 GW), Sweden (6 GW) and Italy (4 GW). Elsewhere,…

Rethink Energy
16th September 2021

Renewables orders this week

Gazprom claims that the construction of its controversial Nord Stream 2 pipeline is now complete, placing it on the cusp of being able to double its gas flows from Russia to Germany. The $11 billion project still needs to undergo final checks and certification before its inauguration. Once complete, Nord Stream 2 will facilitate the flow of 55 billion cubic meters of Russian gas into European markets each year, bypassing previous routes through Ukraine. This has been a major sticking point; Kyiv usually receives billions in transit fees, and the level of compensation it will receive is not yet clear. The US has used the project as a scapegoat to apply sanctions to the project, which will add to Russia’s…

Rethink Energy
16th September 2021

How do you assess energy storage – EnerVenue versus Energy Vault

The market for alternatives for energy storage is starting to heat up, with this week EnerVenue cutting a deal with Schlumberger for $100 million of investment and Energy Vault going public in a new supposedly $388 million SPAC. Last year Breakthrough Energy Ventures put some cash into Form Energy which has since come out of stealth with an iron oxide battery using an aqueous electrolyte, and just last week we brought you news of a new porous carbon electrode that absorbs the chlorine in a lithium-thionyl chloride reaction. And last month Toyota brought back its Nickel Hydrogen battery for the Prius, which is another version of the same battery technology that EnerVenue is pushing. Ionix Technology reported last week a…

Rethink Energy
16th September 2021

Offshore wind remains at center of UK net zero plans

The British government has once again placed offshore wind at the heart of its plans to decarbonize its power sector, this week announcing its “largest ever” round of Contract for Difference (CfD) support for renewable energy. It is, however, worth noting that this “largest ever” label applies only to capacity and cannot be attributed to the £265 million set aside for the auction. The auction is the fourth of its kind under the CfD umbrella, which has become the backbone of support for renewable energy projects in the UK. The first round was facilitated with £325 million in 2015, with the second receiving £290 million in 2017. However, with the cost of renewables continuing to plummet, the fourth round aims…

Rethink Energy
16th September 2021

Redwood opens its ambitions to be more than simply a recycler

Most renewables outlets are claiming some kind of “exclusive” this week on a press release issued 2 days ago by Redwood Materials – effectively some of them got the release a day or so early and had a chance to talk to the company. It says that Redwood will broaden its scope from recycling elements of lithium ion batteries, to actively taking part in the supply chain. The exclusive element has meant that there has been a press offensive, with interviews with Redwood and Tesla co-founder JB Straubel up for grabs and an even “clearer” view of Redwood’s plans. Essentially it is one that “follows the money,” and states that “the battery sustainability equation, is only the tip of the…

16th September 2021

OTT Video News, Deals, Launches and Products

Five years ago this week… Arris announced a five-year deal with Telefonica to provide set tops across the operator’s entire footprint in Spain and Latin America, just as the latter was expanding the footprint of its OTT service Movistar Play. The project, called Proteus, comprised HD, UHD, DTH, cable and IPTV set tops, and launched in beta in 2017. Arris had recently committed to focusing on Android devices, which Faultline imagined had swung the Telefonica deal in its favor. Arris’ foray into software, kickstarted by the 2015 acquisition of Pace, was then in turn boosted by the 2016 acquisition of ActiveVideo which looked set to provide the backbone for Arris’ new cloud services.   —   America Movil’s Panama-based Claro…

16th September 2021

FTTH demand steers Broadpeak nanoCDN into TIM’s Android TV play

Technicolor’s Android TV win at Italian operator TIM was one of the more significant technology announcements to occur while Faultline was on vacation last week, notably the surprise inclusion of Broadpeak’s nanoCDN. Deployed as part of Technicolor’s Jade platform with WiFi 6 and Android 10 support, it brings what is considered the industry’s most advanced multicast ABR technology from Broadpeak to TIM for live and time-shift modes across TV and mobile devices. The biggest driver behind multicast ABR right now is from customers on fiber networks, and TIM is certainly not slacking in that department, most recently committing to bringing FTTH coverage to 75% of the country’s grey and black patches by 2025 – via its FiberCop initiative. With co-investment…

16th September 2021

Harmonic, Nagra, JAE land Tennessee1 transition – losing 3 partners in process

A little over a year since we first heard about a collaborative project between Harmonic, Nagra, and Jackson Energy Authority – a US utilities company turned TV and broadband service provider – the initiative has a deployment at Tennessee-based operator Tennessee1. Faultline had some confusion to clear up when we first reported on the tie-up, and unfortunately the same is true of the latest announcement. It all started in August last year, when Harmonic announced that it would be offering tier 2 and 3 US cable operators a fully managed video streaming platform to replace legacy QAM infrastructure, using Jackson Energy Authority’s EPlus broadband infrastructure. Called EPlus Premier, the fully managed and hosted streaming platform also took in optional elements…

16th September 2021

VAB’s Task Force gathers troops to show Nielsen the door

News last week that the Video Advertising Bureau (VAB) had formed a Media Measurement Innovation Task Force caught our eye as the latest in a series of events that show the major TV networks launching a coup against Nielsen’s presidential position in viewer measurement. Speaking to Faultline this week, VAB’s President and CEO, Sean Cunningham, explained that despite what the press release says, the task force is not freshly formed. The group’s research has already been underway for some time, but now VAB is looking to open the door to more members, and for that it needs a name. The Task Force comprises many of the same researchers that exposed Nielsen’s underreporting. These research professionals hail from the VAB’s member…

Wireless Watch
13th September 2021

Round-up of highlights from the week’s news

Intel to invest €80bn in European foundries and target automotive sector As anticipated, Intel plans to invest heavily in European chip plants as it looks to build up its foundry business to challenge global leader TSMC, taking advantage of intense demand from the automotive sector, in particular, as semiconductor shortages and pandemic-driven supply chain disruptions bite. CEO Pat Gelsinger has made the creation of a large-scale foundry business a key element of his growth strategy but he said he is not interested in “investing backwards” to support old designs, even to address short term opportunities from current shortages. Instead, Intel will spend up to €80bn on European fabs over the next 10 years and focus on the most advanced nodes,…

Wireless Watch
13th September 2021

Smart Africa Alliance looks for enablers of single digital market

The Smart Africa Alliance is a project with the ambitious goal of creating a common digital market spanning 32 countries. Currently  it is in a lobbying position, trying to secure commitment from governments, while it is also developing blueprints and processes that could be used in a more immediate and tactical way for cross-border business. Its latest member is Afriwave Telecom of Ghana. Its contribution centers on its status as the only licensed Interconnect Clearinghouse (ICH) operator in Ghana, providing these services to the countries four MNOs – MTN, Vodafone, AirtelTigo and Glo Mobile. It also provides these services to international wholesale carriers that route traffic into Ghana. Afriwave hopes to place its framework into the Alliance’s One Africa Network…

Wireless Watch
13th September 2021

5G-ENCODE smart manufacturing project moves into Phase 2

A UK government-backed project focused on 5G in manufacturing has moved into its second phase. 5G-ENCODE’s first phase was based on 4G and aimed to establish a baseline against which results from the private 5G network testbed could be benchmarked. The results of Phase 1 will be shared next month. This new phase will assess how well 5G meets specific industrial use cases in manufacturing such as AR/VR to support training or design; tracking of time-sensitive assets; or real time in-process monitoring, among others. This stage of 5G-ENCODE sees project participants creating a network slice that knits together slices from one transport network and two separate private networks, located several miles apart. “For the first time in the world, an…

Wireless Watch
13th September 2021

Open RAN Summit: MNOs point to rapid progress but many remaining challenges

Any new and disruptive technology will have teething problems, especially one in which many operators and vendors are trying to assert their influence, and one that carries the weight of political expectations also. Open RAN is such a platform, and continues to attract its share of scepticism – some commercially motivated, some very valid – while also building up its support base. One complication is the presence of Chinese intellectual property and member participation in the O-RAN framework, the most prominent set of specifications underpinning the push towards an open disaggregated RAN. This works against the US-inspired narrative that Open RAN will be a way to exclude Chinese technology (and alleged spyware risks) from 5G networks and build local ecosystems.…

Wireless Watch
13th September 2021

6G moves to the heart of the technology battle between USA and China

While 5G roll-out is barely beginning in many markets, the USA and China are squaring up over 6G as a major focal point for their global competitiveness, both eyeing up 2030 for first deployments. China first identified this date as a target for first availability of commercial services back in 2018 when the country began 6G research, firming up on this in a paper published early June 2021 by the government-backed China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT). This paper set out three core use cases and 10 key technical developments that would underpin them. Then three months later, the USA’s Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) staged its inaugural 6G Summit in Denver on August 31. This was a…

Wireless Watch
13th September 2021

NEC deepens 5G edge alliance with AWS to target enterprise services

Operators are increasingly seeking partnerships with hyperscalers to help them expand into new geographies and services, but vendors, too, know that alliances with cloud giants can be valuable tools of expansion. Nokia has been particularly active in partnering with US cloud providers to accelerate the growth of its cloud-based enterprise networking offerings, and to avoid direct conflict with such powerful stakeholders. Now NEC is looking for similar benefits, extending its strategic collaboration with AWS to target government and enterprise customers. For operators, there is a risk that their key vendors will be able to offer some services, such as private networks or hosted 5G cores, on their own, bypassing telco connectivity and placing the cloud providers at the center of…

Wireless Watch
13th September 2021

Germany and Italy plan national clouds, but cannot avoid US technology

European governments are very interested in the idea of national clouds that would support data sovereignty and privacy, guard against cyberattacks, and exclude Chinese technology. The national telcos are obvious partners in establishing such platforms, especially as they are themselves considering whether to invest in their own cloud infrastructure to support virtualized networks. That would give them greater control over their networks than a public cloud strategy like that of US operators AT&T or Dish. It would also enable them to monetize the cloud as well as supporting their own network functions. However, it would represent a major investment, and would place them in direct competition with the hyperscalers. One often discussed option is for several European groups to co-invest,…

Wireless Watch
13th September 2021

The success of 5G will depend on operators forming creative alliances

Special Report: Global parterships The classic mobile telecoms model is increasingly reliant on scale. MNOs cannot expect significant increases in ARPU from their established mobile broadband user bases and applications, yet they have to invest in new capacity on a constant basis. Upgrading to 5G architectures, though imposing a capex spike, can reduce the total cost of ownership of providing that capacity over the life of the network. However, growth will depend on operators doing at least one of two things – pursuing new revenue streams, especially in under-tapped enterprise environments and emerging Industry 4.-type use cases; and/or achieving huge network scale in order to improve cost efficiency and market share, and have sufficient capacity to support wholesale business as…

Rethink Energy
9th September 2021

Renewables orders this week

Statkraft has signed an agreement to supply 1.6 TWh per year to one of Boliden’s smelters in Odda, Norway, as part of a 10 year contract starting in 2024. Boliden is currently increasing its smelting capacity at the site from 200,000 tons to 350,000 tons per year. Macquarie’s Green Investment Group (GIG) has acquired the 400 MW Skerd Rocks offshore wind farm in Ireland from Fuinneamh Sceirde Teoranta for an undisclosed fee. The project is set to come as part of the first wave of offshore wind projects in Ireland, with delivery set for 2030. Iberdrola has unveiled three new offshore wind development projects in Taiwan, with potential capacity of around 6 GW: Da-Chung Bu Offshore Wind; Guo-Feng Offshore Wind;…

Rethink Energy
9th September 2021

China’s renewable energy trading pilot launches

China’s renewable energy trading pilot opened on Tuesday under the auspices of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). The scheme allows end users to directly trade with wind and solar generators, with hydropower and other clean power sources possibly to be included in the near future. On the first day, the transaction volume of wind and solar energy reached 7.935 TWh, with 259 buyers and sellers participating. Of the total sold, 6.9 TWh was sold on the northern part of the market, suggesting a bias in favour of photovoltaics, with 1.53 TWh of solar power being bought in just the province of Ningxia for the years from 2022 to 2026. Even within the southern part of the market, where…