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May 12, 2023

Fixed Wireless Access Market Forecast 2023-2030

When will Fixed Wireless Access begin to improve profit margins for Mobile Network Operators globally, and limit growth in fixed-line broadband?
  • FWA will be a major source of new revenue for operators globally over the next 7 years; it was telling that at Mobile World Congress 2023, FWA was celebrated as the first proven revenue generator for 5G.
  • APAC will drive substantial FWA subscriber growth while Europe remains the leading region for revenue generation, with significant developments in Africa and Latin America in vast rural areas unserved by fixed broadband.
  • In principle, FWA offers guaranteed levels of performance, but there are still technical challenges to be resolved.
This forecast includes:
  • 32 page PDF narrative illustrated with graphs
  • XLS dataset with predicted numbers to 2030 for:
    –  FWA Connections
    –  ARPU
    –  Total Revenue
  • Global forecast, with regional breakdowns:
    –  North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America
  • Download Executive Summary
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RAN Research

RAN Research forecasts disruption in wireless technology, and is essential reading for anyone who wants to stay on top of current trends and thinking among Mobile Network Operators.