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April 26, 2024

Massive MIMO Market Forecast 2024-2031

Massive MIMO grows to 22 million unit installed base, riding 5G and Open RAN wave 

Massive MIMO will consolidate its position in 5G RAN and increase its rate of growth in all markets, with total units installed per year rising just over 3x – from 930,000 in 2023 to 3.07 million in 2031. By then, the cumulative number of mMIMO units deployed globally will be around 22 million.  

  • Massive MIMO set for 3x growth – reaching annual shipments of over 3 million units. 
  • Cumulative installed base of 22 million by 2031. 
  • China dominates, followed by USA, then India.  
  • Annual revenues of $151.4 billion in 2031, but growth has leveled off at this point.  
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