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November 14, 2023

Network Slicing Market Forecast 2023-2030

China largest target for diverse global market, as slicing revenue reaches $23.6 billion, traffic hits 216 PB, by 2030

Network slicing will soon generate substantial revenues for operators, enterprises and their technology providers, with the point of takeoff occurring in 2024. Early growth will be concentrated mostly in the enterprise sector, led by six key sectors that will propel revenues associated with slicing almost from a standing start in 2022 to $23.6 billion by 2030.

  • Network slicing revenues to reach $23.6 billion by 2030
  • China, unsurprisingly, leads global market
  • Media & Entertainment most popular vertical, but Others in second place shows diversity of use cases and applications, Manufacturing takes third place
  • Dynamic slicing more valuable than Static and Targeted slicing
  • B2B significantly larger than B2C, in global market
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