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September 27, 2023

Small Cell Densification Market Forecast 2023-2030

Small cells are resurgent, as edge compute and evolved packet core drive indoor and outdoor cells to $27.5 billion

The small cells market is set to reach some $27.5 billion by 2030, spurred by the densification needs of operators in hard-to-reach locations. Despite much of the coverage improvement claims of 5G technologies, there is still a need to deploy a base station as close to the user as possible, and with both indoor and outdoor coverage requirements growing through the period, this will drive the market sharply upwards.  

This forecast includes a 27 page PDF report along with XLS dataset of global and regional numbers, by architecture/vertical/environment, for deployments and upgrades of: Macro and Micro Cells | Indoor/Outdoor/Enterprise Small Cells | Open RAN Radio/Distributed Units/Edge Compute.

The forecast is available for purchase as a stand-alone item, or with the RAN Research subscription which includes:

  • Small Cells Forecast 2023-2030
  • Eight new forecasts across the 1-year service period
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