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August 13, 2024

Open Internet Contributions Protocol Forecast to 2029

Video Contributions Protocols – Zixi’s dominance countered, as alternatives create turbulence in $2.57 billion market

Since the acquisition of Zixi, there has been a flurry of activity and improvements behind the scenes in the Video Contributions Protocols market; in an industry that is still adapting to the meteoric rise of remote and cloud production – and the resulting need to shift production feeds around the web.

  • Video Contributions Protocol market reaches $2.57 billion in 2029 – across hardware, software, networking, and cloud segments.
  • Decline of dedicated satellite and fiber links accelerates, as these open internet approaches prove their technical capabilities at much lower price points.
  • Initial contribution is much more diverse, but Zixi still dominates cloud-to-cloud and final contribution segments, thanks to AWS white-label deal.
  • SRT, RIST, and NDI gain market share, leading to slight Zixi decline.

The PDF report includes discussion on:

Video workflow steps

  • Operations – Initial Contribution
  • Production – Cloud-to-Cloud
  • Distribution – Final Contribution and Ingest
  • Future Trends

Suppliers and Technologies

  • Cameras & Cabling
  • SMPTE ST 2022 and ST 2110
  • Transport Protocols and Infrastructure
  • Vendors

Insight from Vendor Discussions

  • SRT
  • RIST vs SRT
  • NDI
  • Production Workflows
  • Low Latency

Global Forecast to 2029 for

  • Numbers of Initial Contribution Feeds and Average Annual Costs – Fiber, Satellite, IP-based
  • Numbers of Continuous Video Links and Revenue
  • Hardware, Software, Cloud, Network – Usage and Revenue
  • Initial, Cloud-to-Cloud, and Final Contribution – Protocol Usage Share and Revenue

Context Data

  • Internet Traffic
  • Business Broadband
  • Cloud Production Detail

This is the latest forecast in the Rethink TV series.

  • Download Executive Summary
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Rethink TV

Rethink TV forecasts and explains how changing business models will revolutionize video delivery