The IOTA Foundation and the Eclipse Foundation have announced a partnership that combines the Eclipse open source software efforts with the IOTA distributed ledger technology (DLT). The new Tangle EE Working Group takes the name of IOTA’s technology, which is positioned as an open source, fee-free mechanism to facilitate transactions for data and services, with a leaning towards the IoT – as you might have deduced by the name. The founding members of the new working group are Accessec, Akita, BiiLans, Calypso Network Association, Dell, Energinet, Engie Lab Crigen, Geometric Energy Corporation, IoTIFY, Object Management Group (OMG), Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, RWTH Aachen University, STMicroelectronics, Software AG, TMForum. Dell is very enthusiastic about blockchain in general, and so its…