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December 6, 2022

Investigating the Energy Use of Video Delivery and Consumption 2022-2027

Our hope is that this report will merely be Rethink TV’s introduction into the world of sustainability within video, provoking conversation and contributions from across the ecosystem by the next time we refresh this model. As the title suggests, this first report is simply an ‘investigation’ into energy consumption, and not a definitive reading as other initiatives like Greening of Streaming are trying to achieve.

Although carefully considered, the model was constructed with broad strokes in a high-level manner. We hope that in the spirit of sustainability being a universal issue, our future work on the subject will involve active contributions from the industry. This is an attempt to answer a question that our clients ask us recently – “what is the environmental impact of the video industry?”

Need more information?

Roz Hilton (Business Development Director, Video Technologies)

[email protected]

+ 44 (0)7399 491840

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Rethink TV

Rethink TV forecasts and explains how changing business models will revolutionize video delivery