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The Faultline Podcast is an audio companion to Rethink Technology Research’s Faultline service, a weekly news publication that examines the video market in cynical focus like no other – critiquing pay TV, OTT, SVoD, and supporting technologies. If you’re in the business world and deal with video content, Faultline is a service you’ll want to pay attention to.

Hosted by Tommy Flanagan, Editor of Faultline

If you’d like to appear on a Faultline Podcast please contact us

Where to listen and subscribe

27 July 2020

The Faultline Podcast 03

V-Nova hints at LCEVC license plan, with risky traction over cash strategy

New Kids on the Block – online video grows to challenge pay TV

Nowtilus’ gives MediaMelon some legs

(Faultline issue: 851)

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17 July 2020

The Faultline Podcast 02

Haivision’s acquisition of Teltoo; SRT meets WebRTC in P2P delivery

SiriusXM, Omnicom pour cash into podcasts as market heats up

It’s official – OneWeb now a UK asset, of very dubious value

(Faultline issue:  850)

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23 June 2020

The Faultline Podcast 01

Welcome to the very first episode of The Faultline Podcast.  With hosts, Tommy Flanagan, Alex Davies and Rafi Cohen.

(Faultline issue: 849)

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