The drive towards the dream of network virtualization has gained momentum at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2016 with 23 Telcos and technology vendors signing up to create a multi-vendor open source software stack for service creation. These firms have joined the Open Source MANO (OSM) Community under the umbrella of ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute), whose current main focus is to develop standards for NFV (Network Functions Virtualization) and promote interoperability. OSM was founded by Telefónica, BT, Canonical, Intel, Mirantis,, Telekom Austria Group, and Telenor, along with vendors including Benu Networks, Brocade, Comptel, Dell, Indra, Korea Telecom, Metaswitch, RADWare, Red Hat, Sandvine, SK Telecom, Sprint, Telmex, xFlow and 6WIND. NFV is sometimes confused with SDN (Software Defined Networking),…